If i signup for sponsors / premium, can i get guaranteed responses from the team?

i got questions but in most typical open source, there isn’t a clear plan towards support. I am happy to pay for guaranteed responses for questions.

I do NOT need like 1-2 business day turnaround time. I am okay with 1-2 weeks in turnaround time for guaranteed responses.

I am happy to pay for that.

Which plan can i sign up for that?

I signed up for the lowest tier in terms of sponsorship. I am keen to know more about paying for guaranteed responses.

See image below

Hey @simkimsia! Thanks for joining us :wave:

A premium subscription that you can get by sponsoring us on a GitHub is the only paid plan we offer at this stage. It doesn’t include direct support from the team, but we’re always here in the forum, so everyone gets assistance as we reply to every request posted in Discourse.

We’re currently working on a new business model for Baserow, so the direct support option you described in the message will become available soon.


THank you Olga.

I will take you up on your offer.

I like to be informmed of new business model for baserow, when ready.

Thank you