A more custom calendar view

Especially Weekly view, but also generally :

  • multiple date fields
  • use a range of dates rather than just the start date
  • 2 weeks view
  • yearly view
  • custom number of days view
  • custom hiding for day offs

Hey @bastien, we already have these issues for the calendar view improvements:

I’ll discuss the other features you mentioned with the team. Thanks for putting this all together. :raised_hands:

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Hey @bastien, I’ve checked with the team, and we will also add a weekly view: Add weekly view to the calendar view (#2660) · Issues · Baserow / baserow · GitLab, this request has been approved.

The two-week view, custom number of days view and custom hiding for day offs are more like ‘nice-to-haves.’ We can discuss these features again after the above mentioned view types are out.

Just wanted to quickly check, what the difference between multiple date fields and use a range of dates rather than just the start date?

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Multiple date fields is an option available in Airtable that allows you to display events stored in separate date fields in the reference table.

Range of dates is simply a filter which allows events to be displayed only within a certain range of dates.

I hope this is clearer, because it’s completely different.

Yep, thanks for the clarification @bastien!

Hey @bastien, here’s a quick update. I’ve discussed the last request on your list, and we’ve added the feature to include multiple date fields. :ok_hand: