Achievements, events, contributions, and upcoming features — the April community digest is here!

Hello, Baserowers :wave:

Here’s your community recap of Baserow’s recent activities, what to look forward to, and what we’ve accomplished together in the last month. Let’s dive in:

Community spotlight

Cool new things our community created:

Check out how to self-host Baserow on your own server (docker-compose) from @360Creators.

Learn how you can secure Baserow with Access Tokens from our Ambassador, Raphael Scotto DI perta.

Check out how to do an easy Baserow setup on CasaOS. By BigBearTechWorld.

→ [Spanish] Learn how to schedule messages for WhatsApp Groups with n8n + Evolution API + Baserow from Rubén Salazar.

→ [Portuguese] See how to integrate Typebot with Baserow and perform first customer control. By Astra Online.

Discover how to install Baserow with just 1 click. From @claudiobalbino.

Check out how to create multiple companies on Typebot with the Power of Baserow. By Astra Online.

Baserow course on Udemy

We would like to highlight a community member who created a comprehensive Baserow course on Udemy. This complete course covers basics, an overview of the main features, advanced concepts, and includes quizzes for each section.

Kudos to Farès MOKHTARI! We are blown away by your thorough course. We greatly appreciate your time and effort. :blue_heart:

P.S. It’s in French, the English version is coming soon.

Meet new members

This month, we’re highlighting some of our newest and most active members. We appreciate your engagement, and we’re so excited to have you as a part of our community!

@amoyer, @loleg, @ni5ni6, @artoflogic, @theormr, @icegorilla, @fpgdesa, @wandering-tabler, @clintribble, @cecizu, @bluegreeno, @hslee, @dylanblaze — keep being active, asking questions, and providing feedback. Every interaction contributes to making Baserow even better!

News and announcements from the team

#BaserowDeveloperChallenge winners

In case you missed it, we recently held the Developer Challenge and announced the winners. Check out these cool apps that were #MadeWithBaserow.

:trophy: PDF generator
:medal_sports: Whiteboard extension
:medal_sports: App for inputting data into Baserow using URL parameters
:medal_sports: “Turtle” extension

AI field prompt ideas

While we continue to develop our next AI features, we would like to hear from you. Have you used the AI field type? What is your feedback? Is there anything you feel is missing?

If you haven’t tried it yet, here are some prompt ideas for AI field to try out:

  • Create a tweet for a [Blog post].
  • Write a 200-word technical summary for a [Blog post].
  • Translate a [Blog post] into German.
  • Create a CTA to register for an [Event registration page].
  • Extract 10 keywords from a [Blog post сontent].
  • Summarize the content of the [Notes] in less than 10 words.
  • Get a simple summary of the [Documentation].
  • Extract action items from [Meeting notes].
  • Get the main takeaways from a [Document].
  • Generate SEO-optimized title ideas for a [Blog post].

If you’re self-hosting Baserow or want to use your own API key, watch this walkthrough. Our co-founder and CEO, @bram, shows how to configure the generative AI settings.

Quality of life Database updates

Over the past few months, we have introduced a lot big features, such as: Group by, Created by field type, Last modified by field type, Track row comments, Email notifications for new form submissions, Rich text formatting, Duration field type, AI field type and others.

Plus, we have released numerous smaller yet important updates. Ensure you haven’t missed any:

  • Enabled pasting a single value into all selected cells.
  • Made links in the URL field type clickable within the row edit modal.
  • Created clickable email notifications that link to the related row.
  • Added greater than or equal to and lower than or equal to filter types for number fields.
  • Introduced is any of and is none of filters.
  • Displayed field name on hover if it doesn’t fit within the field width.
  • Added && and ||operators to the formula language.
  • Introduced formats with days to the duration field.

Application Builder video guides

If you don’t know where to start with Baserow’s new Application Builder, we’ve published videos that cover the basics. Take a look:

:one: Introduction to Baserow Application Builder

:two: Create and use a data source in Baserow Application Builder

:three: Set up a master and detail pages in Baserow Application Builder

:four: How to manipulate data in Baserow Application Builder

Plus, Application Builder templates are coming in Baserow 1.25. Here’s what you’ll be able to build:

Global Industries event

In March, we attended the Global Industrie conference in Paris. It was a big event where we caught up with some of our users and also met with various new businesses shaping the industry.

Watch this video report to get an inside look at how the conference went!

Also: read about INE, an international welding company from Italy that uses Baserow.

New format for 101 webinars

New to Baserow? Nice! Join our free monthly webinars to learn the basics. Starting in June, we’ll offer separate 101 webinars for both the Database Builder and Application Builder.

Register now!

Can’t make it on those days? Register anyways to receive a recording of the session. :video_camera:

New Database Builder templates

Here are new ways to get up and running quickly with Baserow:

Twitter milestone

We hit 2,000 followers on Twitter! If you haven’t joined us on Twitter yet, we’re still over there tweeting.

:point_right: Follow us: @Baserow

New team members

We have a new team member! Say hi to Przemyslaw Kukulski, who has joined the Database Builder team. :wave:

Baserow is hiring Senior Full Stack Developers, check the vacancy.

Coming soon!

Release 1.25 will include these features:

  • Footer aggregations in public sharing
  • Email verification options
  • New duration field formats
  • Support for division, multiplication, and tonumber() functions for the duration field
  • More, yet to be announced

Other useful resources to check out:

How to edit rows in bulk with Baserow API
How to build a CRUD app with Baserow and UI Bakery
How to create a ticket support system with Baserow and DronaHQ
Smartsheet pricing: fees, limitations, and Baserow as an alternative
Airtable pricing: The hidden costs and how Baserow compares

That’s it for today! Have a great day and take care!

Warm regards,


Hi. I was curious about it but unfortunately it is return 502. Could you tell us a little bit more about what it was?

Hey @glarrain-cdd, you can find more details about this app here: Announcing the winners of the Baserow Developer Challenge :slightly_smiling_face:

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