Action Not Completed

I deployed rowbase using docker.

I can access the web page to get to the signup page to create my account.

But once I click signup I get this error:

"Action not completed.

The action couldn’t be completed because an unknown error has occured."

Hi @Clouted ,

Sorry you’ve hit this error. Could you let me know the exact command you’ve used to run Baserow? Could you also let me know:

  1. The operation system you are running Baserow on
  2. The results of docker -v
  3. If you are visiting Baserow in your Browser from a different machine than it is running on?


  1. I believe Linux is what the nodes run:

In using the below provider. If you go to below link, their is an application with the name hForms.

  1. The node doesn’t seem to startup properly when I run the -v command from the flux interface. Only when I leave commands empty.

  2. Yes. I’m accessing it from one of four nodes that the application was deployed to.

Hm, I’m not familiar with however looking at your hForms configure I can see the following issue

The environment variable BASEROW_PUBLIC_URL= is incorrect and instead should be set to one of your automatic domains (BASEROW_PUBLIC_URL= for example).

Things to keep in mind about BASEROW_PUBLIC_URL

  1. It needs to be a valid url starting with https:// or http://.
  2. It needs to be set to the url you visit in your browser when attempting to access Baserow.

Thank you. I will go ahead and give this a try. I appreciate your help.

What does basreow use to create ssl certs with caddy?

Does it create self signed certificates or does it use something like letsencrypt?

See Automatic HTTPS — Caddy Documentation for details on how exactly Caddies auto_https works. One of its default certificate authorities is letsencrypt.

Ok. Is pushing self signed certs possible? I’m not very familiar with coding/docker so apologies for the newb questions.

My ultimate goal is to access my base row deployment from a handshake ( domain name, which requires me to push self signed certs, in order to use SSL for the Handshake domain.

Would love to know if that’s possible, this way I can reach out to a dev to make it happen for me.

@Clouted this is very possible with a little bit of customization.

  1. Obtain your custom certificates cert.pem and key.pem files
  2. Create a file called Caddyfile next to your certificates and copy the contents below into it. This Caddyfile is going to override the Baserow default one with (when you upgrade Baserow to a new version you should re-download our new Caddyfile and merge any changes into your own one to. Otherwise we might change the Caddyfile and your override will not include those changes causing problems.):

	handle /api/* {
		reverse_proxy {$PRIVATE_BACKEND_URL:localhost:8000}

	handle /ws/* {
		reverse_proxy {$PRIVATE_BACKEND_URL:localhost:8000}

	respond /caddy-health-check 200

	handle_path /media/* {
		@downloads {
			query dl=*
		header @downloads Content-disposition "attachment; filename={query.dl}"

		file_server {
			root {$MEDIA_ROOT:/baserow/media/}

	reverse_proxy {$PRIVATE_WEB_FRONTEND_URL:localhost:3000}
    tls /baserow/data/caddy/custom_cert.pem /baserow/data/caddy/custom_key.pem
  1. Start Baserow normally using docker
  2. Copy the certificates into the container by running
docker cp custom_cert.pem baserow:/baserow/data/caddy/custom_cert.pem
docker cp custom_key.pem baserow:/baserow/data/caddy/custom_key.pem
  1. Stop your Baserow container
docker stop baserow
  1. Now start your baserow container with an extra argument to load in the overriden Caddyfile which includes the references to your self signed certs:
docker run ....
       -v $PWD/Caddyfile:/baserow/caddy/Caddyfile

I haven’t tested this fully so there might be some minor issues, but this is 100% possible to do.

Bro. Thank you so much. :slight_smile:

Is it possible to specify multiple IPs/Hostnames in the BASEROW_PUBLIC_URL field?