Adding an amount of days from specific colomn to the days in a date column and put the new date in a new column

I got 2 columns named :

-“Confirmation date” , format = date
-and another column named “dilevery days”, format number.

The goal is to Add the amount of days from “dilevery days” colomn to the days in “Confirmation date” column and put the new date in a new column.

i tried these formulas:
field(‘Confirmation date’) + date_interval(‘field(‘dilevery days’) day’)

field(‘Confirmation date’) + date_interval(field(‘dilevery days’), ‘day’)

and i learned that [DATEADD(field(’ confirmation date’), field(‘dilevery days’), ‘day’)] function is not suppported in baserow.

PLease give me some directions or an on point solution.

Thank you in advance.

Hello @ahmedsobeyh, please try this formula:

field('Date') + date_interval(concat(totext(field('Amount')), ' days'))