Allow alternative Date separators for manual input in Date field

We have a number of Date fields, which our users might wish to copy-paste existing date strings into. These are, in our case, formatted in format. Unfortunately this currently does not work for our users, as the Date field only seems to accept dd/mm/yyyy format strings.

Is there something we can change in our configuration or is this currently not implemented? Help Appreciated.


I just tested with a date field where I tried to copy paste the strings 22.12.2023 and 22-12-2023 and I works fine. I am using the cloud version (so, not self-hosted).

A workaround can be working with a formula where you offer a field of the type Single line text to the users. They can paste in any string they want.
Next you create a formula field with the following formula:


The replace() function replaces the dots with a slash and the todate function converts the string into a date so that the field can be used in further calculations.


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Hi, thanks for the answer. A formula will not really work for us, as we would need to have the input validation in the Date field.

We are on the latest version in a self-hosted instance. I’m using a Date field without time with european Date format. We most commonly use Chrome-based browsers (Edge, Chrome).

I just tested in the cloud version with both Chrome and Firefox and am still unable to copy paste either string into a Date field. After inserting the string and pressing enter or focusing another cell, the value will just disappear.

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Hi @mzx,

I just tried this as well, and a date like 22.12.2023 can be copy-pasted into a date field (european format, without time) without any problems in Firefox on (v 1.19.1).

I just tried it in Firefox again. Unfortunately I cant upload a video here. But I have uploaded one under the following link: Gitter - Tabelle __ Baserow – Mozilla Firefox 2023-09-04 18-12-57

I am on Windows 10 for reference, if this changes anything. Our users have the same issue in an Windows 10 environment.

This has been tested on a non-premium account, if this makes any difference.

This has been tested on a non-premium account, if this makes any difference.

This doesn’t matter.

I am on Windows 10 for reference

This could be much more relevant.

Do you have a problem with copy pasting any dates or just dates in that format? Or copy-paste any other field types?

You wrote:

Unfortunately this currently does not work for our users, as the Date field only seems to accept dd/mm/yyyy format strings.

Does that mean that copy pasting 22/12/2023 works on your machines?

Copy paste in normal text fields works without issue.

copy-pasting 22/12/2023 works as long as no additional spaces are pasted or are removed before pressing enter or focusing something else. If just “22/12/2023” is pasted the popup calendar will jump to the correct date and the string will be inserted.