Angular Login using password field

I have a self-hosted environment with Rowbase and I have a user table with a password type field.
My idea is to create a login using the data from that table.


When invoking the api and passing the username and password from the front, the api answers the following:

    "detail": "The filter equal is not compatible with field type password."

I have looked for information on how to use the password type field but I have not found anything about it.

How can I use the filter using the password type field?

Thank you so much!


The password field is only intended to be used with the Application Builder at the moment. It is not like a regular text field that can be used for filtering.

However, you can use the API endpoint user_source_token_auth: Baserow API spec. This allows you to pass a username and password and returns a token. If a token is returned, you know that the combination of the username and password is correct.

Thank you for the support and your prompt response. I check the option to generate and use the access token

Hi @frederikdc

What the returned token can be used for ?

Full base access ? Or only data sources of the respective baserow application ?

Hi @valexico, the refresh and access token returned by the email+password authentication endpoint gives access to everything in your account. It’s the same one that our web-frontend uses after you log in. It should not be exposed publicly.

Mmm this mean than if you build a baserow app, all users get access to your complete baserow account ? It does not sound very secure.

Is it a temporary situation ?

It also means that filtering data source in application builder is not a security measure ? I was actualy wondering ?

Not necessarily, it offers access to the tables where the authenticated user has access to. If you create an account that only has read access to a limited number of tables, you can only access those tables with the token.

There is a good article on our blog that explains the difference between the JWT tokens and database tokens

If you create a data source with a filter in the application builder, it will only return the number of records that match with the filter.