Announcing the winners of the Baserow Developer Challenge

The challenge is over, and it’s time to reveal the winners!

Judging the submissions was no easy task. All were high-quality apps with well-written code. We were impressed because each app had a unique idea and innovative solutions to everyday productivity issues. To make it fair, we evaluated all submissions using three criteria:

:star: Creativity
:star: Functionality and use of Baserow
:star: Development efforts

Now, without further ado, meet the winners of the Baserow Developer Challenge:

:trophy: 1st place:

Baserow PDF Generator by @lstbornunicorn wins our grand prize, a PS5 and a Baserow swag box!

App demo: Watch Screen Recording 2024-03-17 at 23.31.42 | Streamable

View the app: Baserow PDF Generator

This application creates PDFs from Baserow table rows. You link to a Baserow table and it generates a PDF for each row. There’s a canvas that resembles an A4 size sheet. Here, you can add, move, and adjust the size of fields by moving blocks — this allows you to preview how your PDF will appear. You can also modify the width of each text block, and the font size, line height, and color.

:medal_sports: 2nd place: extension by wins a $100 gift card!

App demo:

View the app: GitHub - perplexedyawdie/basedrop-clipper: A Chrome extension for capturing inspiration, creating mood boards, and organizing ideas – all while staying in context.

This Chrome extension allows capturing inspiration, creating mood boards, and organizing ideas. You can drag and drop media directly from your browser and organize it on a whiteboard. Baserow is used as a backend for the application.

:medal_sports: 3rd place:

Load2Push by @i11thsiddharth wins a $100 gift card!

App demo: GitHub - iam11thsiddharth/load2push

View the app: (GitHub - iam11thsiddharth/load2push)

This application allows you to insert data into a Baserow table using URL parameters. For instance, if you have a Baserow table with the following columns:

  • name
  • notes
  • age

And you want to insert this data:

  • name: John
  • notes: child doctor
  • age: 30

You would construct the URL like this:

Upon executing this link, the information will be automatically saved in Baserow from your browser.

Runners up:

We also want to highlight these two apps that impressed us a lot:

1) “Turtle” extension by Arjun C wins a Baserow swag box!

App demo: Base Row Developer Challenge - Chrome Extension Demo | Loom

View the app: GitHub - H4K3R13/turtle: turtle a chrome extenstion with advance bookmarking feature

This is a Chromium browser extension that allows you to create bookmarks and organize them with tags in Baserow. The extension provides a simple and intuitive interface for adding tags to bookmarks, making it easier to categorize and find them later.

2) by @CameronPak wins a Baserow swag box!

App demo: CleanShot 2024-03-17 at 15.55.48 · CleanShot Cloud

View the app: (GitHub - cameronapak/ May the Lord God guide my steps and the tools created and stewarded under this domain.)

This is a platform for discovering the best digital tools, apps, and services to help Christians be more productive. It’s a beautifully designed website that categorizes different tools, with the option to recommend a tool (using a Baserow form), share a tool, and the platform is fully mobile-responsive.

Thank you, Arjun and Cameron, for the amazing work you’ve done. Your apps are already great productivity tools that we can all use! Your scores were very close to those of the winners, and we believe it wouldn’t be fair if you didn’t receive any recognition. So, we’d like to send both of you Baserow community swag boxes.

Giveaway winner:

Congratulations to @CameronPak for winning a $100 gift card in our giveaway! Thank you for the shoutout and all your support, Cameron. We can’t express enough how much we appreciate it! :hugs:


A big thank you to everyone who showed interest in the challenge! A special shout-out to our participants. It’s truly heartwarming to see you dedicating your weekends, evenings, and even coffee breaks to participate and build these fantastic apps. Kudos to you all! :blue_heart:

We sincerely hope you enjoyed the process as much as we appreciated the apps you’ve built. We will contact each winner via email regarding their prizes within this week.

If you have any feedback on the challenge or ideas for the next community event, we’re all ears!

Great work, everyone! We hope you had fun participating in this challenge.

Warm wishes,


Great to see the results and tools :fire:


Thank you, @Siddharth! And a big thank you for creating Load2Push. I enjoyed testing and working with it! You did an amazing job! :pray:


Awesome! Thank you. It was a blast to be part of the challenge :smile: Congrats to everyone who participated. And, I really appreciate the runner up consideration. Means a lot!


Thanks for the opportunity!


@cameronpak, thank you — it’s the least we can do. And huuuuuuge thank you for your support with the challenge. We’ve noticed all your posts and mentions, and they mean a lot to us! :blue_heart:


Big advocate. Love what your team is up to!


Congrats to all participants!
There are some really cool projects.


To all that participated and of course the winners.