App builder: choice element limited to 20?


Thanks a lot for this impressive tool, i’m having a lot of fun with it (in addition to being extremely useful)!

I’m just being stuck in the application builder, trying to add a choice field, because it looks like the element can’t display more than 20 values (whereas I have like 40 in the field):


Is that the case? If so, how can I proceed? Create a form in the database builder and link to it?

Thanks in advance for your help!


Hey @rlemetayer,

I’ve managed to add more than 20 values without problems:

When you try to add new values, does it show any errors?

Hello @olgatrykush,

I am using the “formula” type, so I can’t try to add more values like you did, i think.

To be more precise, my choice field is set “on formulas” with this as datasource :


Pointing to a database table with 41 rows, so I am expecting to have 41 values in the choice field.

Let me know if it isn’t clear :slight_smile:

Thank you for sharing the details, @rlemetayer. @jrmi, do we have any limitations on the number of choices that can be displayed in this way?

You are limited to 20 records because this is what is returned by your data source by default, so the formula has access to only these results. We haven’t implement yet a way to configure the page size returned by a data source.

However, I think you need the Record selector element instead. Don’t search for it yet, this element will be part of the next release (~ 1 month) and allows you to select a data source as source for your options. It loads the options as you scroll. Later you’ll even be able to search through the available options.

A sneak preview of the element:

You are too quick for us, but it’s coming :wink:


Nice to read, thanks!

Thanks a lot for the hard work!


Iam having the same problem here, retrieving data from a data source with more the 20 records.

Thank you for the response, waiting to get this update as soon as possible!!

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The Record selector element, with search capability, will be a huge boon. Love that this is coming, thank you!

Good morning @DataGecko,

I’m glad to hear you’ll find it useful! Just so you know, it is already available on and for self-hosters.

Peter Evans

Sweet, that means its not to far away. Nice. Very helpful when you have those long pick lists. :+1: