Application Expert

Is there any freelancer out there who can help me build out a baserow application in my baserow instance over zoom calls? The application will more or less be like an excel sheet with a few text boxes for user inputs and the remaining cells’s values being generated based on formulas based on the user inputs. TIA.

In the future we plan to create an ecosystem for this. Right now we don’t have any official process though. Maybe @360Creators is interested?

Perhaps you could share some more details about the app you want to build and where you are experiencing difficulties in building it yourself and the community could help you move forward?

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Ohh absolutely! Thanks for thinking of me.

Unfortunately I didn’t check the community for a while. I’ll double check my notification settings to get an email for being mentioned haha!

@pdhym if there’s still any need for this, even though we’re a few months further down the line, feel free to reach out. ronald at 360creators dot com for sending an email directly.

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