Asterisk after Required Field Name in Forms

Hi! That member verification system I talked about building in my last topic is live and our members are loving it! We got some feedback though on how forms work in Baserow. Some of our fields are required, and some are not, and in most online forms, typically there is something like a red asterisk (*) that distinguishes a required field from one that isn’t required.

Are you planning to add something like that to Baserow?

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Thanks for your feedback @IndieSellersGuild :fire:

… a red asterisk (*) that distinguishes a required field from one that isn’t required. Are you planning to add something like that to Baserow?

I don’t remember us ever discussing this idea, so I’ll make to share the request with the team. In my opinion, it’s a great suggestion :raised_hands:

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Hey @IndieSellersGuild, this feature request has been accepted. Thank you for your input :blue_heart:

Yaaay! Thank you so much!