🚀 Baserow 1.23: application builder, rich text formatting, new website, and more!

We’ve had big releases before, but not as huge as this one.

Baserow 1.23 brings us one step closer to our goal of creating the first open source no-code toolchain. Introducing… :drum:

Application builder: build interfaces such as landing pages, client portals, internal tools, and portfolios using your existing data.

Rich text formatting: highlight important information in the long text field type by styling your content using markdown formatting.

New website: enjoy a well-structured, beautiful, and modern experience as you explore Baserow.

Get the details about Baserow 1.23 here.




Congratulations – especially the Application builder looks very very promising :slight_smile:

When it will be released, so I could update my docker container?

@marcus, it was released earlier today. :slightly_smiling_face:

I re-created/re-pulled the docker image and container, but still shows v1.22.3


well, for some reason if I open the …/api/redoc page, it says that it is a version 1.22.3, but in my long-text field I already see the rich-text format option…

Hello team, congratulations for the new release it’s an amazing jump ahead!
I have a simple question, is the App builder going to be included in all the plans? Or only for the paid ones? For cloud and Self-hosted?


Hey @ofsantana, we apply the same logic as the rest of Baserow: mostly free and open source, with some paid features to come later.

Hey @marcus, can you please try to clear the browser cache on that page? If you’re using Windows OS, press ctrl+shift+f5. If you’re on a Mac, use cmd+shift+r.

Yes, it helped. Thanks!

Wow, there is a lot happening. Congratulations.

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In the announcement (mail) there was also the announcement of the ‘Ability to add a view filter on a lookup field’.

Do I unstained correctly, we can now filter the results of a lookup (as Airtable can). If so, I can’t seem to find this?


hey @DavidCeulemans, welcome to the community.

Apologies for the mix-up. We mistakenly linked the incorrect issue in the changelog and announced the wrong feature. The correct feature should have been “Allow form view prefill of multiple link to table entries”. Sorry for any confusion caused. The ability to filter on the lookup field will be implemented in the future. :raised_hands:

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Too bad… I would really need this to replicate my Airtable base…

The ability to filter the lookup field is a high-priority issue and should be implemented soon. I apologize again for this confusion.

hey @olgatrykush is it possible to extend the deadline developer challenge for more 1 day?

Yeaaah! :tada: Congratulations for the release!!

Looking forward to use the application builder!! :heart_eyes:



What type of format is being used in the rich text when serving it through the API?