🚀 Baserow 1.31: Periodic data sync, shared view export, enhanced filtering capabilities, improved Application Builder styling, and more!

:rocket: In this release, we introduce new features to help you manage your data more effectively. Key additions include:

→ Periodic data sync with daily and hourly options alongside manual updates

→ Export functionality for publicly shared views

→ Enhanced filtering capabilities for lookup and formula fields

→ Distribution aggregation type for Field Summaries shows the top ten most frequent values in a field (community contribution :muscle:)

→ Workspace context menu search for better navigation between workspaces

→ New Application Builder styling options, including font weight controls, custom colors, border radius adjustments, and improved spacing for repeated elements

→ Strengthened security for Application Builder through optimized API responses, ensuring data protection while preserving collaboration features

:point_right: Explore all these features and more in Baserow 1.31! :point_left:


Nice to see all those new features!

Although I’ve noticed that Choice element in Application builder (I’m using it inside of Form element) is not working since yesterday for Multiple select column type :confused:

Could someone take a look at this? Maybe there is something missing in last release or some bug occured.

Below is the setup which work fine untill yesterday (“Stanowisko” column is the one with multiple select type):

Always love these new features, and I continue to love Baserow, but I guess it’s time to give up on Baserow ever implementing unique constraints as detailed here (Field value constraints (#647) · Issues · Baserow / baserow · GitLab). The last comment there is spot on: " the ability to implement constraints such as those detailed above are among the first, if not the first advantage I would cite of a database style system over a spreadsheet."

I would add that since Baserow is built on postgres, the ability to have this would totally differentiate Baserow from other no-code platforms, like Airtable, where unique constraints are impossible because the underlying database is nosql. It is entirely nonsensical why Baserow doesn’t implement this basic feature, which is trivial because it’s built on postgres! It’s almost as if someone at Baserow has some sort fanatical belief that Baserow will never use unique constraints for some crazy unknown reason, even if it is fundamental to every single SQL database backend.

Hey @ddsgad, this feature is accepted and scored, meaning it’ll be implemented when it gets to the top of the development list. We hope for your understanding! :raised_hands:

Hey @Karol, thanks for your feedback.

Could you give me a bit more information regarding this bug:

  • When you say it doesn’t work, what doesn’t work exactly?
  • Is your choice element inside a form or not?
  • Could you also show the default value you set for this element?
  • If you set a value for a multiple select, don’t you want to check the “Allow multiple values” flag?
  • Could you try to use id as option values like in this example it’s usually more reliable:

Let me know if the last point fixes it.

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Hi @jrmi, thanks for your response.

  1. When you say it doesn’t work, what doesn’t work exactly?
    When I run preview mode, the “Choice” element does not read “Multiple select” values.

  2. Is your choice element inside a form or not?
    Yes, I use it inside a form element.

  3. Could you also show the default value you set for this element?
    I leave default field empty.

  4. If you set a value for a multiple select, don’t you want to check the “Allow multiple values” flag?
    It depends on the use case—in this specific one, I wanted to select just one option.
    Anyway, the “Choice” element inside a form element has not been working for me since last week for both Single select and Multiple select columns :frowning:

  5. Could you try to use id as option values like in this example it’s usually more reliable
    Strangely enough (because I hadn’t used it before and it worked anyway), now, with the default value set to the first element, it works!

Thank you for your support—the last point seems to be the fix! :tada:

Great :tada: However, I’m wondering if you should use the id instead of the value in your default value because the value should match one of the option values, but if it works, that’s great.

Thank you for this release and all the great job behind Baserow! :slight_smile:
The query parameter in pages will be very usefull for our non-profit organization! Thank you @evren !