Baserow API for the Julia programming language

Hi all!

  • There is currently no official API for Baserow in the Julia programming language.
  • Also, I searched on various websites and platforms and didn’t find an unofficial API for Baserow in the Julia programming language either.
  • Many data scientists who use the Julia programming language to create and analyze data models wanted to have a baserow api for the Julia programming language, but couldn’t find it. As an alternative to solve this problem, many use Airtable.
  • It would be a great advantage to have the Baserow API in the Julia programming language, so I requested this feature here.
  • This could unite the Julia community with the Baserow community.


I saw in the thread that someone maybe working on it

Hey there James :slight_smile:

Thank you so much for contributing many of your ideas, we have noticed that you were very active in the forum and we appreciate that.

Regarding your proposal, we generally don’t provide clients for different programming languages. To maintain those would be too much effort on our end, especially given that you can use an http client provided by the language to interact with our API.

Personally, I have never used Julia myself but I did some quick googling and found this: GitHub - JuliaWeb/HTTP.jl: HTTP for Julia, that should be more than enough to interact with Baserow using Julia.

We have great documentation, tailored to your existing projects, and if you run into any issues you can always let us know! :slight_smile:

Best Regards,

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Hi guys,

I hope to help and contribute with the little knowledge I have at the moment. I would like to help this topic here through an initial code.

Maybe in the future I’ll develop some library in julia to interact with Baserow. However, as my idea is to present a code demonstration that can be used by anyone here, I initially think in the HTTP library in Julia that it is possible to do something like this:

using HTTP;
using Pkg; 

headers = Dict("Authorization" => "Token add-token-here")
resp = HTTP.request("GET", "", headers)

The output of this code would be something like this:

“[ Info: Precompiling HTTP [hash-id]
Updating registry at ~/.julia/registries/General.toml
Resolving package versions…
No Changes to ~/.julia/environments/v1.8/Project.toml
No Changes to ~/.julia/environments/v1.8/Manifest.toml
200 # status http, get
[{“id”:id-dd,“table_id”:id-add,“name”:“name”,“order”:0,“type”:“text”,“primary”:true,“r> ead_only”:false,“text_default”:”"}]

If anyone has questions or if this code doesn’t work, call me here and I’ll see how to help.