Baserow application builder - Search and Filter

I know I asked this during webinar but I’d like to add here in order to follow up on the topic and see if there is a progress .
In a short , you should consider adding search and filter on the element . It will make a big difference on using the UI especially if people have to deal with several data and need to get the result instantly .


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Hey @theormr, thank you for sharing your suggestion. It’s always greatly appreciated! :raised_hands:

I will check with the application builder team to see if these features are already planned, and will update you afterwards.

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Hey @theormr ,

Yes this feature is planned
, it’s the item Filter, sort, search for collections element in the Application builder roadmap. We are going to work on this feature soon. We hope to have it somewhere in late Q2 or early Q3.

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Thanks a lot @jrmi . Looking forward