Baserow is built on Postgres, but the API doesn’t have an Upsert Functionality (i.e. Insert with OnConflict), which is a key feature of postgres. Without upsert, for many data operations that require an insert, you need to check data exists before inserting it and then do an insert or update based on that check. This is very wasteful and massive cognitive overload, especially since Baserow still amazingly doesn’t offer a way to mark a database column as unique (postgres unique constraint). Obviously, if you just offered a unique column, then the insert with a unique key would throw an error, so then you would know there is a duplicate and do an update instead (still you would have to get the id of the row you want to update), but this is not ideal and there is a reason why Postgres offers Upsert. It’s a key database operation and I don’t understand why it’s not part of the API, when Baserow is Postgres. Please add it. Thanks.
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@ddsgad noted! I’ll discuss the feedback with the team
Hey @ddsgad, we have this issue to introduce endpoint to upsert a row in a table: Introduce endpoint to upsert a row in a table (#1395) · Issues · Baserow / baserow · GitLab
Make sure to upvote it () as we prioritize the most upvoted issues.