Baserow Self Hosting


I am trying to host baserow on my windows PC, but I’m a bit lost. I have downloaded docker desktop on my PC and I tried to run the command prompt below :

docker run
–name baserow
-e BASEROW_PUBLIC_URL=http://localhost
-v baserow_data:/baserow/data
-p 80:80
-p 443:443
–restart unless-stopped

But I am getting back error messages. I know there is something I am not doing well. Could anyone please guide me on what to do? I really need this help. Thank you.

Hi @stevechike, you would have to share which error message you’re seeing before someone can help you. :slightly_smiling_face:

It says the commands are not recognized as internal or external commands, program or batch file.

I really would appreciate some help. Can give a guideline to follow or point me to where I can get it?

What you’re trying to execute should be one single command. Apparently, for you, every newline is executed as a separate command. Please try running it at one single command docker run -d --name baserow -e BASEROW_PUBLIC_URL=http://localhost -v baserow_data:/baserow/data -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --restart unless-stopped baserow/baserow:1.26.1.

Thank you for your help so far.

I ran it as a single command and it returned this message:

Request returned Internal Server Error for API route and version http://%2f%2f.%2fpipe2fdockerDesktopLinuxEngine/_ping, check if the server supports the requested API version.

How can I check that and what could be the solution?

Awaiting your response. Thank you for your time.

Hi @stevechike, this looks like a problem with your Docker server, and not a Baserow one, to be honest. A Google search resulted this stack overflow page Docker Error when Pulling Due to API Version - Stack Overflow.