Greetings Baserow Community!
I’m excited to share a new Python client I’ve been working on called baserowapi.
The current version is 0.1.0b1, and I’ve primarily designed it with a focus on the basic Baserow API,
specifically for tables, fields, rows, values, and filters.
The project is at:
A few key points:
- Inspiration: Having used pyairtable for some of my Airtable projects, I felt the need for a similar interface for Baserow. Hence, baserowapi was born.
- Other Solutions: I’m aware of other Python solutions like baserow-client. While they’re great, I believe baserowapi has a narrower scope, might be useful for specific situations.
If you happen to give baserowapi a try, I’d be grateful for any feedback or suggestions you might have.
Lastly, I’d like to extend my gratitude to everyone here for fostering such a collaborative environment. It’s been a great journey so far, and I look forward to more interactions in the future.
Warm regards,
Jim Witte