Batch upload files


What would be the best way to batch upload files to a table, so that each file is assigned to a new row (in the file field)

I can’t find an option in the UI to do that.

If the API is the only way - what would be your recommendation for such a batch upload?



I can’t find an option in the UI to do that.

There is indeed no option to do this through the UI.

But it is supported through the API. The create, update and delete action in the API all support a batch action: Baserow API spec

The endpoint becomes{table_id}/batch/ and the payload is an array of items.

thanks @frederikdc

is there a way to manage user files from within Baserow?
if I delete a row - is there a way to get to the file that was assigned to that row (using Baserow UI)?

No, there is no file management in the Baserow UI at the moment. There are also no short term plans to implement this feature. But it can always be suggested in the Features section of the community.

is there any more documentation about the way Baserow handles files? or just whats in the docs for the file field?