Being able to check the version of Baserow that is running

It would be interesting for users who have self-hosted baserow to be able to see the version of Baserow that is running. For example in /admin/settings at the bottom.
Thanks :slight_smile:

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Hello @guiolmar :wave: To check the version of Baserow you are currently running, open the API spec docs.

I will discuss with the team the idea of adding this information to the settings as well :ok_hand:


Yep, when I updated BaseRow on server, I want to see that new version is working. =)

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Hello @guiolmar and @levinside :wave: I have great news, this feature request was accepted. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @olgatrykush :wave:t2: Thank you so much. We are eager to see the product grow.

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