🚀 Big news—Baserow Academy is now live!

:mortar_board: Baserow Academy is live! Explore 29 video lessons that cover all the fundamentals, plus quizzes to test your knowledge. Available to everyone!

Become a certified Baserow experthttps://baserow.io/academy :rocket:

:point_right: For more details: Introducing Baserow Academy: your path to mastering Baserow
:point_right: For all Academy-related questions: Baserow Academy - Baserow


I just completed the Fundamentals Course. It’s a great starting point for people new to Baserow or databases in general.

Well done to all involved in putting this together. I know how much work is involved with a project like this done :clap:


Thank you, @mark119. All kudos go to @cwinhall, our product specialist :rocket:

Thanks Mark for the kind words! I hope to deliver the same level for the next 2 courses which will be the Advanced and Expert courses :slight_smile:

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Looking forward to the release of the Intermediate level Colin

I was trying to login to Baserow academy today after the webinar and it would not load.

Just wondering if there’s any issues currently?

Hey @jem, welcome to the Baserow community! :wave:

It works for me now. Are you seeing any issues or the page just keeps loading? Could you share more details?

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Hi Olga, thanks and looking forward to utilizing Baserow more in my personal and work projects.
As for the academy page, after getting and entering the confirmation code. It appears to move onto the next screen but does not display anything. Essentially it just gives me a blank white screen after login. Nothing is blocked, all adblockers are off and I have used different devices and connection sources (wifi and mobile data). For what it’s worth, I am in Canada so not sure if any geographical restrictions are in place or any of your CDNs are down?

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Thanks for sharing the details @jem. @cwinhall we’ll need your help here. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @jem, there is currently some maintenance being done to the Academy so this may be the reason. Is it still persisting now when you test? Could you share a short video of this or some screenshots? I’d love to get to the bottom of what may be causing this.