Big things happening at Baserow

Hello everyone, we’re super excited to share a bit of news today with you!

:zap: This week we’re celebrating a big achievement: Baserow crossed 1,000 stars on GitLab! Thanks to you all for the collaboration, we’re feeling big community support yet again! :heart:

If you haven’t given Baserow a star yet, we invite you to check the repository:

:zap: Two new members joined the team last week! Folks, welcome Davide, a Full-Stack Software Engineer, and Olga, a Community Manager. We are strengthening the development team to build more features even quicker. We also feel the need to start working more in-depth with our people and that’s why now we have the first marketing person in the team. Stay tuned for more community announcements from Olga in the nearest days.

:zap: Last but not least! Baserow is sponsoring the Django Foundation to support this important open source project that we use every day. Check out our latest blog post to learn more about how we use Django at Baserow: Spoiler: things you probably haven’t seen before!


Great news. Welcome Davide and Olga for joining the Baserow team. :+1: :+1: :+1:


On the up up and up :metal: