I’m relatively new to the docker ecosystem.
I would like to build Baserow into a single docker image from source.
In the source root folder I can see the docker-compose.yml files, but the docker-compose.all-in-one.yml only makes docker-compose to download the already built image from the net, if I understand it correctly.
There is likely a documentation page I missed, so I would appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction, at least about what tool or file should I search for.
Unfortunately in the documentation (including the guide you linked) I could only find information about using the ready-for-use image from docker.io, but not how to build the image for myself.
Today I did another try solving this myself, and now I suspect I should use the files in /deploy/all-in-one
However, after creating following .env file in /deploy/all-in-one:
Hi @valaki, the commands below should do the trick. You would need to check out the repository, and build the backend and web-frontend images first because it’s a multistage Docker build.