Building a online cab marketplace 🚀 with Baserow

Hello👋 Baserow community members,
I am super duper excited to share with you what I am building using Baserow😄 as backend.
This project is solely being done by me and it’s big taking a lot more time than expected.:expressionless:
The front end is built on bubble along with other tools like Google maps API, payment gateways, Sms and other API’s
Currently it’s about 60% complete.:relieved:
It’s an cab aggregator app but has some extra features like realtime biddings😁

The app has two aspects driver and passenger
Both needed to be created interchangeably.
I choose Baserow because of his capabilities, reliability and affordability😎
Connection is :100:% API
Realtime CURD with expected thousands of operations per hour.

Will share future updates here.:slightly_smiling_face::upside_down_face:SOON

I am not providing the link now because the project requires sms OTP to enter which can only be sent to registered numbers.:no_mouth:


Maybe you could share some screenshots of what you are making. It looks very interesting how you connected all those different products together.

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Driver section


I know the user interface is not looking good now but I am working on it

Nice work. I am not a fan of the black color but that will have a design reason. I see it is all connected through an mobile app. May I ask what platform you are using to make that. I used App Inventor and Kodular to connect to the Baserow database.

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Yes kodular :grinning: because I find it easier to build the app


I also want to store each users profile pic in the baserow db, in a new table called picture which has two rows one the user id and second the picture.
But I am confused how to upload the picture to db via API…

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Maybe you could open a new topic for that question.

You could always save it as a Base64 string and convert it into an image in your app.

Below some topics about Base64 extensions you can use in Kodular or App Inventor.

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Really cool @Siddharth!