Can i automate the "export table [x]"?

I would like to get the data from database/tables exported to .csv files. So i can import them in Power BI Desktop file for reporting/analysis functionality.
I can do this manualy in Baserow.
But now i want to do this automated, lets say one time a day, each day…
Do some of you know if and how i can do this (in Baserow, or maybe even with another automation tool (like If This Than That…).
I know there is an API, but you speak to someone who likes no-code database solutions because he can’t code that API script, because that lookes very complex (simple would be "select * from table).
Or…, is the API script simple, but i don’t know that?
Power BI can connect to a web link. But if i do that, i can’t get to my table/data, because i don’t have the right credentials. My Baserow credentials don’t work (on table level) and guest account isn’t working; that;s correct…

Example of the Baserow API endpoints for a given Table: REST API documentation // Baserow

The default page size is 100 rows, but the max is not indicated.

So depending on how many rows you have in a Table that could make the logic more complex to iterate thru pages.


There is a similar topic about exporting data and importing it in another platform: [Manually importing a CSV file to update inventory quantity](Manually importing a CSV file to update inventory quantity

What you need is an automation service that gets the data from your Baserow table once a day and imports it in Power BI. An automation service like Make has building blocks for both Baserow and Power BI, so you can set up such a service without any coding knowledge or having to dive into the Baserow API.

Hi frederikdc,
Spot on! Thanks. This was easy. I love No-Code software.
Created an Make account. Created a Scenario. Selected BaseRow, list Project table. Added module Microsoft SharePoint. Filed in credentials and folderpath and BAM!
I can now get data with Power BI from this folder with .csv files (per table) and create a shedule. Don’t need the direct connection to Power BI, but maybe try that later…