Can't publish (update) my app (Baserow Hosted)


suddenly, I seem no longer able to publish (update) my app. I just get this warning.
I don’t have any clue of the problem.

Any ideas?
I have tried several times and this is going on for at least a day.


Good morning @DavidCeulemans,

My apologies for the inconvenience. Do you by chance have a “summarize field” data source in your application? We’ve found a known issue with publishing when this data source is used, which will be fixed very soon.

Peter Evans

Hi Picklepete,

Yes, I do use several of those.

Anticipating there’ll be a fix soon, I’ll leave them in place.

Thank you for the quick feedback.


Any idea of a timeframe for this bug to be fixed?

I’ve done several edits to my site/app that I’d like to update.


Morning @DavidCeulemans,

My apologies for the inconvenience, this has been fixed and will be in the next release, which is scheduled for the first half of this week.

Peter Evans

Thanks for the quick feedback.
Looking forward to it.

have a nice day,

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Hi @picklepete

The update worked, and I could update my app.

However, I now get a similar problem, after adding action buttons and events to a table.
Preview works ok, btw.

thanks for fixing ,:sunglasses:

I’ve now disable the fields that didn’t get any updates by my action, and I could upload.

So what I did: Table with field action button.
Event On Click Action (3) = update field (status X to Z) + update table A + update table B

app couldn’t update - preview worked

then: I disabled all field not required in the Event Action.

now app could be updated.

hope this helps.