Can't run Baserow on server

Self-Hosted Installation and Setup Questions

I am using docker-compose file copied from gitlab (version 1.20.2)

What are the specs of the service or server you are using to host Baserow.

Ubuntu 22.04.03 LTS, 4GB Ram, 4 cores

Which version of Baserow are you using.


How have you configured your self-hosted installation?

this is my .env file, Caddyfile I copied from repository

What commands if any did you use to start your Baserow server?

docker compose up -d

Describe the problem

I can’t connect to baserow via server ip or domen name (tried to use it too). I am getting error: ERR_SSLPROTOCOL_ERROR in browser in both of the cases. Tried to few ports but didn’t get further.
Before I used command below and everything worked.

docker run \
  -d \
  --name baserow \
  -v baserow_data:/baserow/data \
  -p 90:90 \
  -p 445:445 \
  --restart unless-stopped \

Also localhost works fine on my local computer. I understand that I missed something, but can’t find what exactly I need to do. I’ll be grateful for your help.


Could you provide more details on the error you have in your browsers?

Also, your public URL may not be eligible for auto SSL generation. Your URL should start with https to enable SSL in Caddy, and you should use fully qualified domain name if you want to use a certificate generated and provided by Let’s Encrypt.

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