Change email address or move table and token to another email and delete the first account

Plz baserow can you help me with this situation?!

Hello @Astromo, apologies for the delay with the response. Please send the request to and we’ll help you to change the email address of your account :slightly_smiling_face:

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I send the request. Thanks :heart_eyes:

I cant login to my first gmail baserow and even the new gmail…
Say no account with this email address and password why??

This happen after I send a request to bram and he send an email to me to approve the new gmail!
I send to bram the Gmail I want to change + password + 3 table in database
And he ask me to give him a screenshot from the database
But when i log in after the message I cant login to my first gmail baserow and even the new gmail!
Whats happening please.

Hello @Astromo, you need to wait for @bram’s response :pray:

Hi @Astromo, we haven’t processed your email change request yet. If you can’t access your account anymore, then it’s unrelated to your request. I’d recommend using the password forgotten feature to regain access to your account.

Dear bram
Your account in gmail cant recieve any message from the other
So i cant submit send any message to you
My new gmail
If you send a message to me I can re send an message
But maybe this is an issue in your gmail account
Your mail does not support sending messages from other people You must send a message first and then I can reply

Hi @Astromo, I’ve sent instructions to you via email separately.

Sorry to revive subject, but IMHO it could be the subject for a new feature of Baserow :thinking:


As a user, I used a specific email address A when creating my Baserow account. However, a few “moments” (could be days, months, or years), I know I’ll lost access to this email address (could happen if I used a student email address at that time, and will not be student anymore), and therefore have to change it if I want to access Baserow safely.


Currently, Baserow does not allow users to change their email address, but “only” password and nickname.


Add the possibility to change your mail address A with mail address B. This change could happen followingly :

  1. enter new address B in a field
  2. send mail to address B
  3. connect using address B (therefore checking that the user knows the password of the account)
  4. change effectively the email address if connection is successfull
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Hey @dynnammo, I 100% agree with you that Baserow should offer the possibility of safely changing your email address. Other features simply had higher priority. There is already an issue about this on the backlog User must be able to change email address / username (#1326) · Issues · Baserow / baserow · GitLab.

Thanks Bram, I should have checked before coming here :ok_hand: , sorry for the annoyance

No worries at all @dynnammo! I appreciate that you share your feature requests here in the community. :slight_smile:


Is emailing Bram still the way to change the email of an account?

Hey @trapeze6174, yes, please email Bram ( to change the email of your account :slightly_smiling_face: