Cloudron release?

when will the last update for cloudron be released? Or can I updated the last version manually?

Hi! We released new images with the latest version of Baserow (March 2022 release of Baserow // Baserow). We also have a list of environment variables here: Configuring Baserow // Baserow.

The latest cloudron image is baserow/cloudron:1.9.1.

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Do you mean that you decided not to use the Cloudron store? I’m quite concerned about this situation.

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Hi @Jeau, Baserow is both available in the Cloudron store (Cloudron - Install Baserow - Collaborate on any form of data) and via our own Docker image (Installation on Cloudron // Baserow). It seems that the version is the Cloudron store is one version behind because they offer 1.8.2 and the latest version is 1.9.1.

The Cloudron store version is not managed by us, but by the Cloudron team. I’m sure they will update is soon, otherwise you could ask for it in their forum. It’s a bit out of our hands.

The version managed by us wil always be the latest version, but you need to be comfortable with the command line and the Cloudron CLI to install it. If you were using the version from the Cloudron store, then I recommend you to wait for their update because you can switch from the Cloudron store version to our version, but not back.

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@bram nebulon is trying to update the baserow application on Cloudron, seems he needs your help.

@nigel Can you take a look at this in the Cloudron forum?

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