I have started working on a comics database since i have a large collection of them. The books template doesn’t work for me since this is different from how comics work.
I made 4 tables
Comic = Comic
Uitgever = Publisher
Serie = Series (I think )
Personages = Characters
The only formula i have used is this one
It shows me in different tables, in how many comics the character appears, how many comics i have of a certain series, how many comics i have from a certain publisher.
When i am adding content it feels ok like i made it. Maybe some of you would have done it differently.
Hey @Peter! Nice, it seems that you have a large collection of comics
How many of them do you have in general?
It indeed works differently if you keep track of comics in comparison to books, so that’s right that you created your custom database. And thanks for sharing it here! We might have some comics enthusiasts in the community, and they can use your tables as references:)
I would like to include a database: ‘comics database’ in the Baserow. A curious question, where can I find this database: ‘comics database’ to import into Baserow? Can someone help me import this data: ‘comics database’ here? How to include a database: ‘comics database’ in baserow?