Custom Domain Issue On Render

Note that I added (.) in place of . because I’m restricted on the allowed number of URLs in the post.

How have you self-hosted Baserow.

I used Render, using the button here: Installation on Render

What are the specs of the service or server you are using to host Baserow.

Render Standard with 1 core and 2GB RAM (the default)

Which version of Baserow are you using.


How have you configured your self-hosted installation?

It’s using the default Render Build & Deploy settings from the docs page above.

What commands if any did you use to start your Baserow server?

It ran via the button install - there don’t appear to be any commands in the Render settings.

Describe the problem

Baserow is working on the default Render domain, but on a custom Render domain it returns a 404 error.

Describe, step by step, how to reproduce the error or problem you are encountering.

Everything works correctly on the default Render domain, currently “baserow-f7ie(.)onrender(.)com” but when a custom domain is added, such as “data(.)techteamup(.)com” the custom domain returns a 404 Site not found page, and the default Render domain keeps working.

I have tried a fresh install, but had the same issue.

I have set the BASEROW_PUBLIC_URL in the Render Environment Variables, but the problem persists.

I have also tried setting the other variables to this domain, BASEROW_CADDY_ADDRESSES, BASEROW_EXTRA_ALLOWED_HOSTS, PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL, PUBLIC_WEB_FRONTEND_URL in case that made a difference, but it hasn’t. Screenshot of environment variables:

These are the only logged errors when trying to access

[GET] 404 data(.)techteamup(.)com/ clientIP=“” requestID=“0aa98f21-536a-4833” responseTimeMS=506 responseBytes=164832 userAgent=“”

WARNING 2024-08-23 11:35:31,226 django.request.log_response:241- Not Found: /api/builder/domains/published/by_name/data(.)techteamup(.)com/

I discussed this with Render support, but they’re sure it’s a problem with the app.

Hi @techteamup, I’m not a render expert, but I looked into it. With the Baserow render deployment, it looks like it overwrites BASEROW_PUBLIC_URL with the RENDER_EXTERNAL_URL environment it receives. That means that there is no point in manually setting BASEROW_PUBLIC_URL.

Do you know if it’s possible to change the RENDER_EXTERNAL_URL, either via environment variables, or maybe by promoting your custom domain to a primary domain (or something like that)?


This is the .sh script we use to configure the correct environment variables deploy/render/ · develop · Baserow / baserow · GitLab. I guess that changing line 5 to something like:


would solve your problem, but it does require you to wait for the next release.