Customizable page elements

I’m not sure if something like this would be possible, but as I’ve been working on building a couple different sites with a few common elements, it occurs to me how supremely useful it would be to be able to save something, like a button with certain style and content configurations, to be quickly reused across multiple pages whenever needed. Just throwing it out there, love all the features that have been added in the last few months!

Good morning @amoyer!

to save something, like a button with certain style and content configurations, to be quickly reused across multiple pages whenever needed.

We love this idea, it’s currently on our roadmap. We call these “composed elements”, which as you suggested, are elements that have been pre-configured and stored so that they can be re-used across your application.

I’m unsure where this feature sits in our roadmap, but my best guess would be to start building it later this year to early next year unless it gets reprioritized.

We appreciate the idea, thanks for dropping by! If you have any further ideas please don’t hesitate to drop-in again. Have a great day!

Peter Evans

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Has this been implemented now? “Page shared elements” shows as completed on the roadmap and included in 1.29 but I don’t see anywhere to create them.

Good morning @beached!

There are three features at play here:

  1. In v1.29 (released) we released “shared data sources”. This allows our page designers to create data sources that work across pages, previously when you created a data source it was only available on that single page.
  2. In v1.30 (expected in mid-Dec) we’ll release “page shared elements”, starting with a header and footer container elements that will work across pages.
  3. Next year (TBC) we will introduce “composed elements”, which is what this post is about. These are re-useable sets of components, grouped together for a common purpose, which can be re-used across pages. I’m unsure at the moment when this will happen.

I hope this helps, have a great day!


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Thanks for your reply Peter. That is good news. The header and footer are what I am most interested in right now to build my site.