Date filter last month/last year

The date filter selection needs more options. I would love to see “last month” and “last year” implemented. As present you have to select records with date last month, you have to place two filters: date is after previous month’s last day, and date is before present month’s first date. Seems very counterintuitive. Thanks.

Wonder if this request could be bundled with this issue here?

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Hey @preahkumpii, thanks for a great suggestion! I’ve created issues for Add a filter 'number of months ago' in the Date field type (#1018) · Issues · Bram Wiepjes / baserow · GitLab and Add a filter 'number of years ago' in the Date field type (#1019) · Issues · Bram Wiepjes / baserow · GitLab . We will start working on these filters soon, and they will probably be released in Baserow 1.12 :grinning:

@HiramFromTheChi, the filter ‘in this week’ should be available in Baserow 1.11 if all go as it was planned :crossed_fingers:

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Hello @preahkumpii! Filters ‘number of months ago’ and ‘number of years ago’ in the date field type are now implemented thanks to @petrs. Thanks again for your suggestion :raised_hands: