How can I change the date format to ‘1 January 2000’?
datetime_format(field(‘date field’), ‘YYYY’)
How can I change the date format to ‘1 January 2000’?
datetime_format(field(‘date field’), ‘YYYY’)
Baserow uses Postgres SQL, so I tried
datetime_format(field('date field'),'Month')
which worked immediately and is a good starting point for your use case.
Also see PostgreSQL: Documentation: 17: 9.9. Date/Time Functions and Operators
I have datetime_format(date_interval(‘1 month’) + field(‘First Payment’),‘d Month YYYY’) which returns 1 January 2000
But I can’t use this date in another field’s formula as it’s returned as text: “argument given to function date_diff was of type text but the only usable type for this argument is date”
Do I need a separate field for the unformated date to work with another formula?