Deactivate my account publicly anonymously

Hi all.

Would it be possible to make my account anonymous publicly?


Do you mean your Baserow community account? That can be anonymized if you want.


Is there a specific reason you want this?

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Hi Peter.

  1. Do you mean your Baserow community account? That can be anonymized if you want.

I would like you to make my profile anonymous and public. can you make this profile my anonymous and public?

  1. image

this option does not appear for me.

  1. Is there a specific reason you want this?

none, it’s just something I want to do.

To be totally clear. Do you understand you will no longer be able to access your account if it is Anonymized?

It is only visible for users with TL4.

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@Peter it is normally more of an admin / mod thing than a standard user function.

We use it as part of our GDPR flow to keep thread information intact but remove the user.

I know. But I would like to know if the user understands that. :wink:
I am TL4 so am able to do what the user is requesting. But since it is irreversible I thought I would ask one more time. :grinning:

They might not be back if they assume it is done :joy:


I want you to leave the account anonymously public, I understand that by requesting this I will lose access to the account, but it is something I want.

Hello @anon6366911, oki, messaged you privately and I will anonymize your account after your response.

@Peter, @joffcom thanks guys, I’ll take care of this request :raised_hands: