Enterprise edition first impressions

We just got our self-hosted production version up and running.

A few things I really like:

  • The license management features are great. I’m not going into this because I don’t know what is standard and what is not-disclosable in our case, but the technical solution to licensing in our case meets both Baserow’s needs but also ours very well.
  • The access control at the different levels at any level, but also the Teams concept. Love the teams concept and the implementation.
  • Love the shareable views. I realize this is not limited to enterprise, but it works so great in enterprise. You can create filter and send it to someone who is not even a “member” of the baserow implementation in any way and they can view the specific items you want them to see. It’s just so useful.
  • SSO implementation is quite seamless. Well-done.

Things that might be better or I just don’t understand as well as I should:

  • I would kind of prefer that people are forced to use SSO rather than have an option of creating an account. That’s not normally a choice people get in an enterprise environment. We restricted making new workspaces to admins but if we didn’t I think this could intersect problematically with our licensing control approach (not sure). Anyways I would prefer forcing SSO or bust.
  • Understanding where to click to control access isn’t exactly intuitive although I get it now. I’m not sure how to improve this UX but feel it could be a bit better somehow. Maybe in a table you could click “access overview” and it would show you a tree of members rights and where Teams overrides something. Right now it’s just quite confusing at first glance when you see an access feature one area that isn’t actually in effect because it is overridden elsewhere. Maybe it just needs more hints when there are overrides in play.

But overall Baserow did a great job on their new Enterprise Edition!

Thank you, @deet, for sharing your feedback. I will pass it on to the team so that we can make further improvements. And thank you for your kind words, we released Baserow Enterprise not so long ago, and it’s great to hear that it’s working well for you. :blue_heart:

Hey @deet thanks for the feedback its greatly appreciated.

On your

I would kind of prefer that people are forced to use SSO rather than have an option of creating an account. That’s not normally a choice people get in an enterprise environment. We restricted making new workspaces to admins but if we didn’t I think this could intersect problematically with our licensing control approach (not sure). Anyways I would prefer forcing SSO or bust.

point specifically I believe you can already do what you want, see Email and Password Authentication // Baserow for more information. But basically, if you turn on a SSO provider, you can turn off the password auth method and then no users will be able to sign up via email and they are forced to go through SSO.


Thank you for pointing that out. We just made that change already. Thank you!