ERROR getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND backend

I’m still testing Baserow. I have these :point_down: immages and containers running just find but I still get the error when trying to open baserow from the browser. Cant figure out what I’m doing wrong.

ERROR getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND backend

Hey @Minyoi,

I suspect this will be docker hostname resolution not working correctly on Windows, Can you check your config and container names and make sure that backend is defined if it isn’t you can try to use the IP of the container and see if that helps.

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Thanks. I’ll check it.

Any recommendations on which OS I can have this installed without any technical hiccups. I’m a bit new to this hence the challenges.

Hey @Minyoi,

When it comes to self hosting it would be whatever you are comfortable with, personally I go for Linux as it is lighter on the base resources.

The hosted offering is pretty good as well and the free plan is very generous so unless you need to self host for compliance it could be a solid alternative for you.

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@Minyoi it looks like the problem you were having above is you were manually starting our web-frontend and not putting it on the same network as all the other services, hence it can’t find them.

I’d strongly recommend using our simpler docker-compose setup with uses our easy to use baserow/baserow image instead:

# This is the recommended way of running Baserow using docker-compose for most users.
# See for more details.
version: "3.4"
    container_name: baserow
    image: baserow/baserow:1.18.0
      BASEROW_PUBLIC_URL: 'http://localhost'
      - "80:80"
      - "443:443"
      - baserow_data:/baserow/data

Thanks. I tried following the steps but I guess I missed a number of steps. As soon as baserow is installed, does it run automatically when I type the url localhost?

Yup it should, but if you’ve say not properly shutdown and deleted your old baserow containers if you are switching to the simpler config above then you can have issues.

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Ok thanks.

I messed around with a number of things so let me install everything from the beginning and try it out.