Error when building all-in-one image from source

I’m attempting to build the all-in-one docker image using Docker version 27.2.0 and following the commands suggested in another thread:

docker build . -t Docker Hub Container Image Library | App Containerization -f backend/Dockerfile
docker build . -t Docker Hub Container Image Library | App Containerization -f web-frontend/Dockerfile
docker build . -t local_all_in_one -f deploy/all-in-one/Dockerfile
docker run local_all_in_one

But I encounter an error when I try to build the backend image:

Failing when trying to grab postgres? Appreciate if anyone could help me out or point me to any info out there on the process for building the docker image.

Hi @ddtrend,

Can you try building it with our script by running ./ all_in_one build_only? Why do you need to build the image yourself?

That worked for me, thanks! I am trying to get around the 4GB zip file size restriction when importing from airtable, so I needed to make a change.

Sure, happy that it worked for you :slight_smile: