Filtering the Calendar view

I wanted to create a filter on a calendar view and noticed that this is not possible… through the user interface.

So, the API to the rescue! I checked the documentation and noticed there is an endpoint to create a filter on a table view. You just need to pass the id of the view in the url and set the field, filter type and value in the body.

Result is a calendar view with filtered data :slight_smile:

I wonder if that is a feature or a bug :rofl:

@Alex I prefer the word “solution” :slight_smile:

It looks like filters are already working in the backend via API, and only the UI in the frontend to add filters and/or react to filter changes is missing

It would be super useful to be able to filter the calendar view from the user interface.

From what I understand, it should be pretty easy to implement, since 1: filtering the calendar view is already working in the backend, and 2: the filtering works perfectly with the UI on other views.

Could this be implemented anytime soon?

Thanks a lot

Hey @Anatole, it’s already in our pipeline: Filtering for calendar view (#1633) · Issues · Baserow / baserow · GitLab. It’s also pretty high on our list, so it should be implemented soon. :ok_hand:

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Hi @olgatrykush, any news on this feature?

Hey @Anatole, not yet, but I’ll publish an update as soon as someone from the dev team picks up this issue. :raised_hands: