Form Builder for Baserow?

Does Baserow have a form builder, or a plugin that can provide form builder functionality? If so, does it have a logic feature to show/hide questions based on previous answers?

Hi @Vik_Rubenfeld, welcome to the Baserow community! We have the ability to create a form. You can choose which fields you would like to include in your form, you can set a custom title, description, order and choose if a field is required. It’s also possible to upload a custom logo and heading image. When the user submits the form, you can choose if you want to display a custom message or if you want the user to redirect to another page.

You can create a form after you have created a table. Click on the view button in the top left corner and click on create new form. It’s unfortunately not yet possible to add conditions / logic jumps. In the future we want to introduce the ability to add display filters to the fields. This means that a field will only be visible if the user filled out values match the filters.

Oct-20-2021 22-05-06

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