Formula Example to Select Rows in Application Builder?

Hi there,

I am referring to this documentation where you mention we could use a formula to filter rows when setting up a data source in the application builder
### Use formula to filter data source

My use case is the following.

  1. In specifiy I have a table Websites and Clients. Clients contains a list of users that can login to my application.
  2. The Tables Websites and Clients are connected in the Database via the Table Selector.
  3. Then I have a form and I would like the user - who is logged in as a client - to be able to select only Websites which belong to him (currently all websites are show).

Could you advise how the formula would have to look like so that I can select in the Websites Table only those rows where the Client is the same as the Logged in User?

Thank you

Hey @artoflogic,

Here you would have something along the lines of WHERE Client has equal value id.

(Given that the field that contains the user id is Client.