I want to be able to group by the collaborators field. I have a list of tasks and want to group the table by the people the tasks are assigned to.
I could add a text field and type the names and group by that field, but I would rather just be able to group by the collaborators field.
Hello @dylanblaze! This feature is coming soon. It’s expected to be addressed alongside this issue: Group by link to table (link row) field (#2306) · Issues · Baserow / baserow · GitLab, which is pretty high on the priority list.
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Awesome, thanks! Also, do you have an eta on when the issue with grouping by multiple fields will be fixed?
If the prioritized list remains unchanged, it could be implemented in the next two months or even less.
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Any update on this feature request?
Hey @dylanblaze, apologies for the delay. It’s pretty high on our priority list, but development hasn’t started yet. We can’t give an exact release date, but we’re definitely aiming to complete it this year.
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