How to increase truncation length of "Link to table" row labels?

Please see screenshot below for context. The label for the linked row is quite short still “Motility Activator (1.0 x)” yet it’s truncating it to “Motility Activator (1…”. Is there any way to force it to display the entire label?

Thank you!

Hello @wandering-tabler, we have an open issue to display full linked row names: Allow to show full linked row names and formula results (#1751) · Issues · Baserow / baserow · GitLab. It’s very high on the list, so it will probably be released in the next update.


Hi, any more news on that? (other than whta’s visible in GitLab) is 1.26 viable?
As far as I know - this is actually a very big workflow blocker for many people coming from Airtable…


are there any updates on this issue?
I’ve seen it has relatively high weight on gitlab, but it already had it before the last update. This is one of the major issues blocking further adoption tests of Baserow for my team, and I believe that it might be the case for anyone dealing with - for example - data QC for larger sets, etc.

Hey @dev-rd, apologies for missing your previous message. It should be released in Baserow 1.26 (in 4 weeks approximately). :raised_hands:

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thanks for the info - I’ve seen there seem to be two issues related to that topic.
The one originally linked to this thread

and then this one:
Remove limitations on how many characters to show of a linked field (#1073) · Issues · Baserow / baserow · GitLab

do these actually overlap or are separate things?

Hey @dev-rd, it seems these are duplicates. :slightly_smiling_face:

@olgatrykush Great news, looking forward to 1.26! Thank you!

Hey @wandering-tabler and @dev-rd, we did the 1.25.2 release and this feature was squeezed in there, so now it’s possible to see full linked row names and formula results.