How to link a row by id directly without creating a dataSource first

When I use the updateRow or createRow event in the AppBuilder i often have to link a row. I first create a getSingleRow dataSource where I select the row by id:

Then I am able to link this row within the createRow event by selecting the id of the getSingleRow dataSource:


Is there a syntax to directly enter a rowId into a link-table-field without needing to create a datasource first?

I already tried the following syntaxes without any success:

Hi @ailead,

You have two options here:

  1. You can use a page parameter, or data source formula, in your link-to-table form input.
  2. Alternatively, you can type in the linked table’s primary field value in our inputs as well. If there are duplicates, then we’ll choose the first matching row.

I had a chat with the application builder tech lead, and we agree the UX can be improved around our link-to-table support. We’re looking to make it clearer that you cannot provide us with the row ID, it has to come from a page parameter or data source formula.

I hope this helps!

Peter Evans

Hi @picklepete
Thank you for your swift response.
I already use the method of creating a dataSource first (selecting the row by fixedParam or by pageParam). But there are downsides to this, e.g. too many dataSources, which then affect performance, AppBuilder-ui-clearness and also the inability to get the row-to-be-linked by a simple integer value from a precursing event within the executing workflow (getting the to-be-linked-rowId from a formulaField of a updated or created row) without refreshing the pageParams (dispatching a refreshPage event = further performance / latency hit).

Achieving it by primaryFieldValue seemed to work but seemed like the less robust way to do it. But so be it then. Thank you for clarifying :+1:t2: