When I use the updateRow or createRow event in the AppBuilder i often have to link a row. I first create a getSingleRow dataSource where I select the row by id:
You can use a page parameter, or data source formula, in your link-to-table form input.
Alternatively, you can type in the linked table’s primary field value in our inputs as well. If there are duplicates, then we’ll choose the first matching row.
I had a chat with the application builder tech lead, and we agree the UX can be improved around our link-to-table support. We’re looking to make it clearer that you cannot provide us with the row ID, it has to come from a page parameter or data source formula.
Hi @picklepete
Thank you for your swift response.
I already use the method of creating a dataSource first (selecting the row by fixedParam or by pageParam). But there are downsides to this, e.g. too many dataSources, which then affect performance, AppBuilder-ui-clearness and also the inability to get the row-to-be-linked by a simple integer value from a precursing event within the executing workflow (getting the to-be-linked-rowId from a formulaField of a updated or created row) without refreshing the pageParams (dispatching a refreshPage event = further performance / latency hit).
Achieving it by primaryFieldValue seemed to work but seemed like the less robust way to do it. But so be it then. Thank you for clarifying