How to upgrade baserow


I created an account on baserow, which is such a link:

And it was set up directly through baserow, it was time to upgrade the subscription, while I do not see such an option anywhere.
I set up a new account directly through baserow, and there I already have the options to upgrade the version, and to enter the instance id, only where can I find this instance id in this baserow what I already have? Will it be just this link?

Thank you for your help!

Hello @baserowkleks, first of all, welcome to the Baserow community! Here are detailed instructions on how to buy a subscription for Self-hosted Premium: Buy a subscription // Baserow.

Additionally, you can find an explanation on where to find your Instance ID here: Install self hosted premium license // Baserow.

Hope this helps. If you have any further questions, we are here to help you. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you for the information, I probably would, I just don’t have those options :frowning:

Hey @baserowkleks, even if you self-host, you need to sign in to, and click on the Subscriptions tab in the sidebar.

To upgrade or downgrade the self-hosted plan’s seats as an existing self-hosting subscriber, visit the SaaS hosted version to make a change to the subscription.

Did you try that?

Yes I have it, only just do not know what instance id I have to enter, because I do not have it, when I log in through baserow I had to create a new account and they did not connect.
So it looks like in one I have baserow but no subscription, and in the other I have subscriptions but no baserow.

Hello @baserowkleks, I understand that it might be a bit confusing.

To upgrade your self-hosting account, you need to sign in to, and click on the Subscriptions tab in the sidebar. Then, you need to enter your Instance ID here:

Find your Baserow Instance ID by logging into your Baserow self-hosted instance as an Instance Admin under: Admin → Licenses → copy the instance ID.


Yes I understand all this, just please help me to find this instace id, because I don’t have something like this
Admin → Licenses → copy the instance ID.

Hey @baserowkleks, sure! Could you please log into your Baserow self-hosted instance and take a screenshot of the left side panel there?

Hey @olgatrykush

Are you an Instance Admin?

@olgatrykush Yes and yes i’m owner this instance.

Hey @baserowkleks,

even if you’re the instance’s owner, unfortunately, this account doesn’t seem to be an instance admin in Baserow.
By default, we make the instance admin the first user who signs up in Baserow.

Do you happen to remember the credentials of the first user created?

If not, an alternative is to manually set the is_staff field to true in the auth_user table for your user.

I hope this helps,

As I wrote, I created an account through the Baserow site and autoamtically created my own instance in railway.
And there is no option that someone previously created instances, because I was certainly the first, because it is a new account :slight_smile:

//nvm i found all

Hey @baserowkleks,

I’m glad you solved the problem, but I’d like to know more about how you solved it.
What did you do to fix it?

Do you remember if you saw this page when you first opened Baserow?

If not, could you please try to log in with these credentials? Do they work?

password: testpassword

Your assistance in providing us with more details will help us determine whether the issue is a bug or a result of misconfiguration.

I forgot to change the site and created an account on the server instead of directly on baserow. Because of which I included I didn’t have this admin, anyway I need to move the databases to be able to purchase this plan :slight_smile: