I need a single command to export all the tables in all Dbs at once

I want to back up all the tables daily, so I need a single command to export all the tables in all Dbs at once. Exporting them one by one is not feasible for me.

I’m running my own instance locally, so I’m okay with using Docker commands to log into PostgreSQL if that’s easier.

Part B: is there a way to automate this process ?

Hi @jpca999,

are you interested in creating a complete backup of a Baserow instance, including files and everything? Or just a specific workspace - and all baserow databases and applications there?

I don’t mind learning how to do a full backup with one command, but what I’m really focused on is backing up the entire database since that’s the key to my daily work progress.

So if you want to back up everything (all workspaces etc.) you should back up PostgreSQL database like you would normally do, e.g. using pg_dump and backup Baserow files that are stored separately (this depends on where you store the files).

If you are just worries about doing some bad changes to your database and need a way to go back, you can use Baserow snapshots for that (you will find them in the context menu of your Baserow database in the left sidebar).

Got it! Is there a way to set it up to automatically create snapshots at a specific time each day and delete snapshots older than n days?

This is not yet possible so it would fall under feature requests. You can open a separate feature request topic on the forum for that.

One just need a script to connect to the db and then spit out the dump. Can you get it ?

One just need a script to connect to the db and then spit out the dump. Can you get it ?


I think if you want automatic snapshots It would be easier to use Baserow API and create a snapshot using an external script.