I'm certified ! but

Hey team,

Firstly, hats off for this genuily great set of courses.
Very instructive and well thought as a whole with few repetitions, looking forward to the Advanced one !

I was just condering, I made a stupid mistake on one of the questions in the test which lead me to have 97% instead of 100% and I can’t find a way to retake it.
While I understand that those certifications don’t make sense if you can retake every single question everytime, could it be that after a period of time (idk, 1 week ? 1 month ?) you could be able to retake the test to improve your score ?

If not, it’s really not a big issue and I’ll live with my imperfect score :'D

Congrats again and thanks a lot for everyting you’re doing

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@cwinhall could you please jump in here?

Hey @Paragon, thanks for the kind words :slight_smile:

Right now there is no functionality inside the LMS we are using to add this type of retaking functionality. We opted for a manual approach for now where we simply state on the cert page to email us at academy@baserow.io if you want to retake the course and we will reset it for you to do so.

We do see this functionality being implemented in the future though so it can be retaking easily.