I'm not able to use an API

how do I get entries from my database via get, when accessing with id from my database this message appears {“detail”:“Authentication credentials were not provided.”}
I’m trying to query my database, because I don’t know which method to use PARAMETRO or HTTP Header in the documentation it doesn’t say which “Key” used to authenticate via API, then it gets difficult, I already have a headache to try to find out because the documentation doesn’t say anything about it, if it’s for example: api_key , appid, auth, etc… I need you to tell me what the “KEY” is and if it’s HTTP Header or PARAMETRO

There are two main authentication schemes in Baserow, JWT tokens and classic tokens, as described at the beginning of this documentation page: Baserow API spec. Some API endpoints only accept one of the scheme, so it is always good to consult the API spec documentation as this is noted there for every endpoint.

The endpoint in your screenshots accepts both of them. Classic tokens are useful for many backend applications and they don’t require acquiring a new token over time as JWT does.

Click on your user in the top left corner → Settings → API tokens and create a token there. The classic token needs to be put as a header like this: Authorization: Token <your token>.

Some REST/HTTP clients make it easier to enter auth token so that you don’t have to enter an HTTP Authorization header yourself, but rather pick a “Bearer” token and use “Token” as a prefix (e.g., in Insomnia).

If I had to guess, in your client the key is Authorization and the value Token <your token>.

Our friend is using the Appgyver no code tool. Here is a suggested setup:
All request URLs are there:


Then for the GET collection step: the ID of your table(s) is different so check your tables’ ID and use it in the relative path:

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Hi guys,
It’s the same for me. i’m not able to use Baserow (Self-hosted) Api:

In Postman: in my first request with my spécific address on the documention, i have all the code in answer. in my second request, I used the Get Url on the documentation with my api token in header. The answer is “detail”: “Authentication credentials were not provided.”. I don’t know what to do then.

Thanks for your help!

Hey @Seb,

I would make sure you are sending the authentication header. It looks like it is probably missing.

for sure, in my header my key is Authorization and my value is my API Token

Hey @Seb

You have to add the word Token as a prefix to your actual token.

So in postman the header value should look like this:

Token  {{token}}
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Thanks Mate! it was my mistake! as simple as that! :man_facepalming: