Mm… which owner does it says the folder and files have in the file explorer of Cloudron? You can make try to click on “Change ownership”, change to a different owner, and see if it then works.
I noticed it depends on the size of the file.
Maybe nginx config for cloudron.
Files are there, but it shows 403 error when I try to download bigger file.
I tested 2 files ( 250 kB and 6 MB jpg) on and my instances of slef-hosted on cloudron.
One file ( smaller ) was working fine on all instances.
Second file ( bigger ) was working only on, and on cloudron instances, there was 403 error via nginx.
I made another test on one big file.
Convertered original file ( 5.6 MB ) to the same size jpgs but with different quality.
In result I had files having from 800 kB to 5.6 MB with same resolution.
Everything was working fine, untill image size is above 3 MB.
It looks like it is issue with nginx configuration of baserow package on cloudron.
I don’t see any limitation there, but will ask cloduron team.
Hey @parhelium, thank you for debugging this problem. It’s interesting that files above 3MB are somehow not working. I just tried a file of 4MB, but it did work as expected in our Cloudron instance. I think it’s a good idea to ask in their community. I’m curious about their response.