Installation on Ubuntu

This guide looks outdated and I find it confusing:

This command "sudo apt install docker leads to the error: Error: Package ‘docker’ has no installation candidate. I first tried “sudo apt install wmdocker” only to find out that this wouldn’t work as well, then “sudo snap install docker did” work.

Also the next step “sudo usermod -aG docker $USER” => replacing for root user does not work, results in “usermod: group ‘docker’ does not exist”

There are also other exceptions mentioned and its not clear what the exact steps are. Some commands are also committed and some steps are skipped. This makes it very cumbersome and confusing to follow.

Would it be possible to update this guide into a more precise step-by-step guide so we can use it as a reference when installing Baserow from Ubuntu from scratch?

Hi @artoflogic,

this might be outdated. I recommend to use the official docker installation here: Ubuntu | Docker Docs.

It seems that they recommend installing docker with sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin, with some prerequisite steps.